AllTennisGear wants to be an asset to you in your search for the best tennis gear – shoes, rackets, bags, etc. If you are wondering how we shortlist products, here’s an example:
How We Choose The Best Tennis Gears
If you browse through, you’ll notice that we review various tennis gears to help you find the right product. I and my team use a process to decide which product to review and what factors to consider keeping an average tennis player in mind.
To give you an example, let’s figure out how we choose Tennis Shoes:
The key points below are used as a requirement guide when researching and writing about the best tennis shoes for men and women on this site.
These criteria bullet points hopefully align with your own list of wants in the best tennis shoes or highlight something to look for in a shoe that you’d previously not thought of.
- What type of court will you be playing on? (traction)
- Special foot support needs? (high arches, flat-footed)
- How often do you play? And for how long? (durability)
- Price range?
- Shoe weight?
In a similar way, we review each of the tennis gear and make sure you’ve plenty of good options to choose from without comprising the quality.
A Quick Note from Reagen & Why I Started AllTennisGear
“AIM STRAIGHT FOR MY NOSE”, the words of my frustrated tennis coach when I was age seven and the final words for that day’s lesson.
After several failed attempts to hit the ball straight across the net, I finally did exactly what the coach asked me to and the ball collided with his nose.
To this day I have yet to find a tennis ball that speaks my language and takes the flight path I had originally planned for it in my mind, but the game continues.
And although I will never find myself playing on the courts at Wimbledon, when I am able to practice, I like to know I have quality equipment and apparel to try to assist my game as much as possible.
Thus the creation of, a place to share facts, tips, and reviews of ever-changing technology in tennis gear to enhance all of our matches.
In any sport or activity from tennis, to equestrian, to camping, it makes a huge difference in every moment of that adventure to have the right tools to support a positive injury-free experience.
Here, the articles and charts are designed to save you time in your search for the right tennis gear for you.
Thank you for spending a few minutes of your day here and know that your feedback is always welcome, as well as suggestions on equipment or articles you may want to see in the future.
Till next time remember – you only live once but you get to serve twice!
~ Reagen
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